10 Live Plants Bareroots Strawberry Plants - Camarosa Strawberry Plants are grown organically and are ready to be planted in your garden. Strawberry plants live for planting. Bareroot Strawberry Plants. These plants produce large, sweet, flavorful berries that are perfect for eating fresh or using in recipes.
Large Berries: Live strawberry plants. Camarosa strawberry plants produce large, juicy berries that are exceptionally flavorful. These berries are perfect for snacking, salads, and desserts.
Hardy Plant: Camarosa strawberry plants are hardy and can tolerate temperatures over 90 degrees without losing fruit quality. These plants are ideal for growing in hot climates or in areas with limited growing space. Zone range from 4 to 8
Organic Seeds: Camarosa strawberry plants are grown using organic methods. These seeds are free from harmful chemicals and are perfect for growing your own fresh, organic strawberries. Organic strawberry seeds.
Easy to Grow: Strawberry Bare-Root Plants. Camarosa strawberry plants are easy to grow and require minimal care. These plants are ideal for beginners and experienced gardeners alike. Spacing these plants 12 inches apart to ensure room for growth. Prefer a well-draining soil